Distribution histograms and individual benchmarks

%matplotlib inline

This notebook mainly serves to extract data used for the Archer eCSE report.

Set the number of OpenMP threads to use. Note that the number of threads is fixed at import time of DCPROGS so you will need to change restart the notebook and reexecute from the begining for any changes to take effect.

import os
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.text as mtext
import time
import math
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from dcpyps import dcio
from dcpyps import dataset
from dcpyps import mechanism
from dcprogs.likelihood import Log10Likelihood

# LOAD DATA: Burzomato 2004 example set.
scnfiles = [["./samples/glydemo/A-10.scn"],
tres = [0.000030, 0.000030, 0.000030, 0.000030]
tcrit = [0.004, -1, -0.06, -0.02]
conc = [10e-6, 30e-6, 100e-6, 1000e-6]

recs = []
bursts = []
for i in range(len(scnfiles)):
    rec = dataset.SCRecord(scnfiles[i], conc[i], tres[i], tcrit[i])
    rec.record_type = 'recorded'
n_experiments = len(recs)
openings = []
opening_dists = []
n_bursts = np.empty(4)
for i,rec in enumerate(recs):
    n_bursts[i] = rec.bursts.count()
    openings = np.zeros(rec.bursts.count())
    for i,burst in enumerate(rec.bursts.all()):
        openings[i] = burst.get_openings_number()

Plot the distribution of bursts within the 4 different experiments showing how number of bursts corelate with the lenght of the bursts.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,2)
ax = ax.flatten()
for i in range(n_experiments):
    ax[i].hist(opening_dists[i], bins=20)
    ax[i].set_title("Exp: {} N Bursts: {}".format(i, int(n_bursts[i])), fontsize=10)
ylabel = ax[0].set_ylabel('Number of bursts')
ylabel = ax[2].set_ylabel('Number of bursts')
xlabel = ax[2].set_xlabel('Openings in burst')
xlabel = ax[3].set_xlabel('Openings in burst')
fig.tight_layout(w_pad=0.1, h_pad=0.1)
# LOAD FLIP MECHANISM USED Burzomato et al 2004
mecfn = "./samples/mec/demomec.mec"
version, meclist, max_mecnum = dcio.mec_get_list(mecfn)
mec = dcio.mec_load(mecfn, meclist[2][0])

rates = [4500.0, 700.0, 2500.0, 1800.0, 900.0, 18000.0, 200.0, 0.1100E+06, 4900.0, 0.4000E+09, 1850.0, 10000.0, 5000.0, 0.7500E+09, 8500.0, 1050.0, 3500.0, 0.5000E+07, 2300.0, 0.9500E+07, 1950, 0.130000E+08]


# Fixed rates.
#fixed = np.array([False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True,
#    False, False, False, False, False, False])
#if fixed.size == len(mec.Rates):
for i in range(len(mec.Rates)):
    mec.Rates[i].fixed = False

# Constrained rates.
mec.Rates[21].is_constrained = True
mec.Rates[21].constrain_func = mechanism.constrain_rate_multiple
mec.Rates[21].constrain_args = [17, 3]
mec.Rates[19].is_constrained = True
mec.Rates[19].constrain_func = mechanism.constrain_rate_multiple
mec.Rates[19].constrain_args = [17, 2]
mec.Rates[16].is_constrained = True
mec.Rates[16].constrain_func = mechanism.constrain_rate_multiple
mec.Rates[16].constrain_args = [20, 3]
mec.Rates[18].is_constrained = True
mec.Rates[18].constrain_func = mechanism.constrain_rate_multiple
mec.Rates[18].constrain_args = [20, 2]
mec.Rates[8].is_constrained = True
mec.Rates[8].constrain_func = mechanism.constrain_rate_multiple
mec.Rates[8].constrain_args = [12, 1.5]
mec.Rates[13].is_constrained = True
mec.Rates[13].constrain_func = mechanism.constrain_rate_multiple
mec.Rates[13].constrain_args = [9, 2]

mec.set_mr(True, 7, 0)
mec.set_mr(True, 15, 1)

theta = np.log(mec.theta())

kwargs = {'nmax': 2, 'xtol': 1e-12, 'rtol': 1e-12, 'itermax': 100,
    'lower_bound': -1e6, 'upper_bound': 0}
likelihood = []

for i in range(len(recs)):
    likelihood.append(Log10Likelihood(bursts[i], mec.kA,
        recs[i].tres, recs[i].tcrit, **kwargs))

def dcprogslik(x, args=None):
    lik = 0
    for i in range(len(conc)):
        mec.set_eff('c', conc[i])
        lik += -likelihood[i](mec.Q) * math.log(10)
    return lik
class dcpyps.Mechanism
Values of unit rates [1/sec]:
0   From AF*        to AF           alpha1          4500.0
1   From AF         to AF*          beta1           700.0
2   From A2F*       to A2F          alpha2          2500.0
3   From A2F        to A2F*         beta2           1800.0
4   From A3F*       to A3F          alpha3          900.0
5   From A3F        to A3F*         beta3           18000.0
6   From A3F        to A3R          gama3           200.0
7   From A3R        to A3F          delta3          67459.4594595
8   From A3F        to A2F          3kf(-3)         7500.0
9   From A2F        to A3F          kf(+3)          400000000.0
10  From A2F        to A2R          gama2           1850.0
11  From A2R        to A2F          delta2          10000.0
12  From A2F        to AF           2kf(-2)         5000.0
13  From AF         to A2F          2kf(+2)         800000000.0
14  From AF         to AR           gama1           8500.0
15  From AR         to AF           delta1          736.313236313
16  From A3R        to A2R          3k(-3)          5850
17  From A2R        to A3R          k(+3)           5000000.0
18  From A2R        to AR           2k(-2)          3900
19  From AR         to A2R          2k(+2)          10000000.0
20  From AR         to R            k(-1)           1950
21  From R          to AR           3k(+1)          15000000.0

Conductance of state AF* (pS)  =      40

Conductance of state A2F* (pS)  =      40

Conductance of state A3F* (pS)  =      40

Number of open states = 3
Number of short-lived shut states (within burst) = 6
Number of long-lived shut states (between bursts) = 1
Number of desensitised states = 0

Number of cycles = 2
Cycle 0 is formed of states: A3R  A3F  A2F  A2R
    forward product = 4.680000000e+18
    backward product = 4.680000000e+18
Cycle 1 is formed of states: AF  A2F  A2R  AR
    forward product = 4.250000000e+18
    backward product = 4.250000000e+18
10 loops, best of 3: 39.1 ms per loop
i = 0
mec.set_eff('c', conc[i])
lik = -likelihood[i](mec.Q) * math.log(10)
100 loops, best of 3: 8.65 ms per loop
i = 1
mec.set_eff('c', conc[i])
lik = -likelihood[i](mec.Q) * math.log(10)
100 loops, best of 3: 10.6 ms per loop
i = 2
mec.set_eff('c', conc[i])
lik = -likelihood[i](mec.Q) * math.log(10)
100 loops, best of 3: 9 ms per loop
i = 3
mec.set_eff('c', conc[i])
lik = -likelihood[i](mec.Q) * math.log(10)
100 loops, best of 3: 7.72 ms per loop